Han Lier underwear winter in the "second skin"

Han Lier underwear by warm magnetic field and other physical factors, the role of the body to stimulate acupuncture points, clear the meridians, the breast to speed up the blood and lymph flow. Temperature rise, play an accelerated metabolism of tissue to enhance tissue nutrition to reduce muscle tone, speed up the absorption of tissue pathology and cell regeneration accelerated role; the use of good air permeability, high density, good resilience sandwich sponge, it breathable, Skin-friendly, can delay aging; U than the traditional Chinese medicine design based on the theory, to avoid the back of the meridian points important, so that the upper and lower body blood flow smooth; Han Lyle underwear woman who wore three nest, three Alice, both positive and negative, Body showing S curve.


Han Lier underwear 5G health underwear, as the name suggests is the introduction of the new concept of 5G, which is its greatest feature. 5G that 5gainiao, that is all-round, multi-angle, the most scientific underwear health new concept. Since the 1920s, it was born under the environment of large industrial production in Europe and the United States. Underwear mainly made of sponge cups, steel rings and the like is provided for women to provide body shape and beauty. Until now, Han Lier underwear with a new fiber festival, to bring a balanced stress without pressure on the breast, is a healthy product of yellow ribbon, is the product of the underwear era of innovation.

韩丽尔内衣 冬日里的“第二重肌肤”

If the female skin is compared to "the first heavy underwear," bring the most natural care, then the delicate, silky feeling and inner sexy elements of 5L underwear of Hanilier underwear are just like the "second weight Skin ", will bring the warmth to the wearer with zero distance; This is the new demand for high-end fashion women's underwear products, but also the future development of the Korean underwear lingerie.

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