Winter colorful down jacket is also sexy

Winter down jackets, warm or not is not the most worthy of attention. With a sleek, classic design and an elegantly textured experience, it has slowly become a symbol of a stylish, tasteful lifestyle.

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Cashmere Racoon Yarn

Consinee is professional China Blend Yarn,Cashmere Racoon Yarn manufacturer, if you want to choose the high quality Racoon Blend Yarn,Racoon Dog Yarn, etc. pls contact us freely. we can also produce your special proportion and count racoon yarn by your special need. below is the racoon yarn we produced.

1) CC120028:2/26 100%Dehaired racoon yarn

2) CC160509:2/20 100%Dehaired racoon yarn

3) CC120108: 2/26 70% Dehaired racoon30%Cashmere Yarn

4) CC140408:2/26 40%mer.wool35%cashmere25%deharied raccoon yarn

5)CC120104: 2/26 30%Dehaired racoon70%Mer.wool(100'S)yarn

Blend Yarn,Cashmere Racoon Yarn,Racoon Blend Yarn,Racoon Dog Yarn

Consinee Group Co., Ltd. ,

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