Carding cotton cloth bag to the side of the final side pressure plate about 5mm to stop;
Knock leather, thin side pressure plate, wrap the clothing with staff, slow speed, with flat flush when embedded;
Start the motor slow package, close to the edge of the parking, change the roll by hand;
Use a special punch to press the rack and tap it with a small hammer;
Cut off the excess rack and tap the end of the rack. Solder (AB glue can also be used, but pay attention to the length and width of the glue. If the width is too wide, there will be a break in the mesh, and the problem of large entrance to the bottom of the flower).
Matters needing attention in the use of AB glue
The use of AB glue can not only stick 1 to 2, Department of the proposed adhesion at the circumference of 3;
At the beginning and at the end of the clothing, use a saw blade to make a small opening on the side strip. Put the cloth back to your head and pick it up properly.
The reason why the cylinder began to appear
Inadequate gauge adjustment and inconsistent gaps between the two sides resulted in stenciling of the running wall, which caused the accumulation of flowers between the melodies and the Xilin, causing the beginning of Xilin;
Hard objects enter, crush the clothing, causing the beginning;
The junctions between the two leaking bottoms must be flush, otherwise they may cause flyouts and cause pinching of the clothing.
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