First, in principle, there is no need for reprocessing, especially for ornaments and devices, which cannot be processed anymore. If it is reworked, it will eliminate the traces of ancient processing techniques and become modern jade instead of ancient jade. Because the ancient processing technology is a traditional ancient tool ancient material, and the modern processing technology is a diamond tool material.
Second, for the category of pieces and small pieces, in principle, no further processing is required. If you like to wear it, use a soft flannel or sheepskin to gently wipe off the dust and dirt on the surface. It is often worn, and the human body's biological field and the weak electromagnetic field of the jade are harmoniously resonant, which not only achieves the effect of raising jade but also reaching jade.
Third, the focus is on raising jade:
1. The jadeite component is silicate. Avoid contact with acids, alkalis, oils and cosmetics as much as possible. Otherwise, it will corrode its surface structure or contaminate its surface, causing traces of ancient processing techniques or surfaces of ancient jade. damage.
2. "Panyu". It is different from the jade of domestic jade. Because the texture of jade is fine and crystal, and the transparency is relatively high, it is often rubbed with soft sheepskin to play the role of moisturizing and brightening without damaging the surface and the traces of ancient processing techniques.
3. Maintain normal humidity and temperature, avoid excessive glare and excessive drying, cause loss of water adsorption on the surface of ancient jade, and avoid the loss of crystal water between jade molecules and reduce weathering. If there is light or the weather is dry, use a cup of water to maintain normal humidity.
4, the hardness and specific gravity of jade is the highest hardness and the highest proportion of all jade in the high-grade jade, the general material can not scratch it, to prevent violent collision and beat on the ground is also worth noting.
5, in principle, the ancient jade can not be cleaned with detergents, especially alkaline detergents are more undesirable. If it is dirty or dirty, use a soft brush to clean it, or use a soft flannel or sheepskin to clean it.
6, for the damaged ancient jade, if it is a piece of ornaments, devices, only the bonding repair; if it is a pendant type, can be repaired by processing the fracture; if it is broken bracelets, can be processed into small pieces, but It should be noted that it is necessary to retain the surface of the original ancient jade jade without processing, to process the fracture and process into a simple shape, otherwise it will become a new modern jade, and lose the value of the original ancient jade.
Suzhou Makeit Technology Co., Ltd ,