India's domestic cotton prices have risen. Yesterday the Shankar-6 ginning mill had a pickup price of 39,500 rupees/candy and Punjab J-34 had a rupee of 3,705 rupees/maund.
Industry insiders questioned the decline in yields, arguing that it may be news of speculation to stimulate the market to rebound. In particular, as the new flower is about to be listed in large numbers, the buyer is waiting for prices to fall further.
Affected by Diwali Holidays, seed cotton purchases have slowed down and it is expected that progress will be resumed after early next week.
Disperse printing is mostly used for polyester fabrics. It is a printing method in which the dye is sublimed by heat at a high temperature (about 200 ° C) to agglomerate on the surface of the polyester, and then penetrates into the amorphous region of the fiber macromolecule, and is fixed inside the fiber after cooling. The dispersion printing pattern has the characteristics of vivid pattern, fine color, clear layer, firm color fastness and strong stereoscopic effect.
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