Gmd 07 spring release stunning on the beach

Gmd 07 spring release stunning on the beach
New fashion forces 07 spring look ahead

The fashion brand gmd, which was born in Taiwan in 1980, has entered the Chinese market since 1994. It has always been a young fashion brand and personality without losing its elegant design style.

Recently, gmd released its freshly-released spring 07 in Shanghai. With the mystery of ancient Greece, models dressed in white, with magic masks, behind their wings, slowly stepped out, kicked off the spring conference launch .

g/m/d This spring event takes Greece as its creative background and debuts two themes: Lovers Army and Myths & Constellations. The Lover Army abandons the complex design, dissolves the uniform elements into the feminine lines, and then uses a romantic print, modern pearl luster and metallic appearance to reinterpret the camouflage pattern and reveal a low-key rock style; and myths & constellations Creatively modernize the twelve constellations and legendary elven motifs and apply them to the details of the costume.

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